Packaging – right from its manufacturing to its disposing – creates various environmental impacts. The impact of packaging on the environment can be reduced to a considerable extent if retailers use eco-friendly options. To reduce the environmental impact of their products’ packaging many companies are voluntarily taking the initiative. |
Creation of Packaging
Natural resources are used for the creation of packaging and that impacts the environment. To create the product electricity and water are used. Unfortunate side effects are caused by the byproducts of manufacturing. Toxic carbon monoxide and other unwanted organic compounds are emitted during the creation of plastics. In fact, the creation of packaging is more expensive than the creation of the item to be packaged, according to many manufacturers.
Tonnes of packaging waste are getting generated every day and these waste ends up in landfills. What is used in landfills is mostly packaging waste. The material used to make packaging does not break down easily. And some of it does not break down at all. This leads to several environmental problems.
The environmental impact of packaging can be reduced by manufacturers. To reduce the economic and environmental impact packaging companies should aim to use less packaging material. To reduce items going into landfills they should be using recyclable materials and increase the recycled content of the packaging. Finally, by educating consumers on how to dispose of the packaging responsibly companies should support recycling.
Packaging Reduction Voluntarily
Many companies on their own accord are reducing their packaging although it is not compulsory. Companies like Del and Wal-Mart have created focused plans to reduce packaging material.
Use recyclable materials
To create new items cardboard, paperboard, plastic, and other materials can be reconstituted. Before beginning production talk with your packaging manufacturer to find out which materials will meet your value, needs and budget. A variety of sources give recyclable and recycled materials, which can be used to make packing materials.
Consider hi-tech, unique, and innovative ways
You can help the environment with your packaging choices by discarding harsh chemicals and using inks made from milk proteins or food, or peanuts that are plant-based or rainforest-friendly paper.
Go natural
Over the past few years, eco-friendly packaging has become increasingly popular. This is mainly because consumers like to buy materials that are healthy for the environment and companies have recognized this fact and cater to them. Packages that present a lesser burden on the environment are those made from natural materials like dye-free, virgin, or recycled paper.
Trim the fat
At the retailer and warehousing levels, a lot of waste is generated. To preserve materials and space throughout the distribution process create custom packaging boxes after discussing with your packaging manufacturer. To set you apart from your competitors and to attract customers opt for minimalist packaging that has a clean, sleek aesthetic appeal. If the packaging provides a better value consumers may gravitate towards your product. This can be achieved by placing less emphasis on bulky packaging.
Rethink the packaging
To eliminate or curb the need for packaging many brands have found creative ways. But this is not possible with all items. You can change the amount of packaging using different ways without compromising product quality.